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杭州叉车高性能蓄电池48V5PZS400 杭州叉车48V叉车电池组

更新时间:2024-12-07 07:00:00
联系电话:86 020 86603123
联系手机: 13538843060

杭州叉车蓄电池在工业叉车物流展上亮相,其电池国际英文标识为:“BOCKUS”,续航循环次数可以达900-1200次,具备的耐放性,优质的技术配方,是国产叉车电池中的千里马,把电池按照需求配组后,以5小时放电后,叉车电池单体之间电压差大于或者等于0.06V,从源头解决了过度放电的问题,源自于德国牵引蓄电池专利技术设计,产品符合多个标准,博克森蓄电池正极板采用条管设计,配备特殊化纤管,并湿法填充技术,稳定性高,负极板采用网格状设计,极板上包着一层多孔化纤袋,要阻止在极板上产生结晶,防止活性物质流失,并可滞留电解液在极板周围,使电池稳定的放电工作 ,良好的耐腐蚀性,延长电池极板寿命,BOCKUS蓄电池适配全系列叉车:林德、丰田、合力、永恒力、小松、三菱、江淮、杭叉、TCM、梯佑、柳工、龙工等国产进口电动叉车,一等一的品质,我司广州贝朗斯是叉车电池领域专家,对国内叉车蓄电池品牌具有较高的认知度,每个蓄电池品牌性能特点都了解,博克森 BOCKUS蓄电池产品分德标、英标系列,符合国内外叉车用电池的标准。

The Hangzhou forklift battery was unveiled at the Industrial Forklift Logistics Exhibition. Its international English logo for the battery is: "BOCKUS". The battery life cycle can reach 900-1200 times. It has super durability and high-quality technical formula. It is among the domestic forklift batteries. In Maxima, after arranging the batteries according to the requirements and discharging them in 5 hours, the voltage difference between the forklift battery cells is greater than or equal to 0.06V. This solves the problem of over-discharge from the source. It is derived from the patented technology design of German traction battery. The product conforms to many national standards. The positive plate of Bockson battery adopts a strip tube design, equipped with a special chemical fiber tube, and wet filling technology, which has high stability. The negative plate adopts a grid-like design, and the electrode plate is covered with a porous chemical fiber bag. To prevent crystallization on the plate, prevent the loss of active materials, and retain electrolyte around the plate, so that the battery can discharge stably, have good corrosion resistance, and extend the life of the battery plate. BOCKUS batteries are compatible with the full range of battery plates. Forklifts: Linde, Toyota, Heli, Jungheinrich, Komatsu, Mitsubishi, JAC, Hangcha, TCM, Tiyou, Liugong, Lonking and other domestic and imported electric forklifts, first-class quality, our company Guangzhou Braance is Experts in the field of forklift batteries have high awareness of domestic forklift battery brands and understand the performance characteristics of each battery brand. BOCKUS battery products are divided into German standard and British standard series, which meet the domestic and foreign forklift battery standards.



  • 地址:中国 广东 广州 白云区 夏花二路28号
  • 邮编:510030
  • 电话:86 020 86603123
  • 经理:陆灿成
  • 手机:13538843060
  • 传真:86 020 86202011
  • QQ:1351821115
  • Email:berens@yeah.net