STILL叉车电动堆垛车EXP20电池12-4PZS500H 电动叉车蓄电池专用电瓶24V500Ah
STILL电动托盘搬运车蓄电池长期储存状态下造成电池自放电的原因是电池内部的化学和电化学反 应。不论阳极还是阴极,其活化物质都会经分解逐步与硫酸发生化学反应,并转变成稳定的硫酸铅,这就是自行放电。电池自行放电是在储存中降低容量和寿命的内 在原因,当环境温度升高时,会加速自放电过程。温度每升高1O℃,各种原材料的化学反应速度将加快一倍,电池寿命也随之缩短一半。
The cause of battery self-discharge under long-term storage of STILL electric pallet truck battery is the chemical and electrochemical reaction inside the battery. Regardless of the anode or the cathode, the activated substance will gradually undergo chemical reaction with sulfuric acid through decomposition and transform into stable lead sulfate, which is self-discharge. The self-discharge of the battery is the internal reason that reduces the capacity and life during storage. When the ambient temperature rises, the self-discharge process will be accelerated. Every time the temperature rises by 10℃, the chemical reaction speed of various raw materials will double, and the battery life will also be shortened by half.